Expand your vision & explore limitless opportunities with extra earnings on your daily balance!
Earn up to
4.00% Interest
Withdrawal or Deposit
- Interest bearing current account with 4.00% interest per annum accrued daily & paid monthly. (Interest maybe revised from time to time)
- Get free debit card on the first year if you are a sole proprietor.
- Free online banking for your ease of banking transactions (for sole proprietors).Download the app here.
- Free inter-district transaction.
- Get 50% charge waiver on pay-order issuance.
- Charge Free withdrawal from any bank’s ATM (5 transactions per month)
- Get your first cheque book charge free.
- SMS alerts for all your transactions are charge free for the first year.
- To earn interest your daily balance must be a minimum of BDT 50,000.
- Initial Deposit Amount: BDT 1,000.
Completed account opening form with,
- Two Passport Size Photograph of the Proprietor
- One Passport Size Photograph of the Nominee duly attested by Proprietor.
- Copy of valid Trade License, Utility bill (recently paid but not exceeding 2 months) & e-TIN certificate.
- Permission from Bangladesh Bank (For buying house, indenting or other specific businesses)
- Proof of Submission of Tax Return (PSR) (where applicable)
- Any other relevant document in connection with opening bank account
Completed account opening form with,
- Copy of Certified Partnership Deed/Agreement
- List of the Partners with Address
- Copy of valid Trade License, Utility bill (recently paid but not exceeding 2 months), e-TIN certificate & VAT Certificate (if applicable).
- Evidence of the trading address.
- Resolution of the partners, specifying operational guidelines/ instruction of the partnership account in line with Partnership Deed.
- Proof of Submission of Tax Return (PSR) (where applicable)
- Any other relevant document(s) in connection with opening bank account
Completed account opening form with,
- Copy of RJSC Certified Memorandum, Articles of Association, RJSC Certified Certificate of Incorporation of the Company, Form X & Form XII
- Copy of valid Trade License, Utility bill (recently paid but not exceeding 2 months), e-TIN certificate & VAT Certificate (if applicable).
- Board Resolution / Extract of the Board Resolution (Original in Company’s letter head pad)
- Two Passport Size Photograph of the Account holder(s)/ Signatory(s)
- Copy of NID/Passport or any other photo identification of Signatories/ Directors
- Proof of Submission of Tax Return (PSR) (where applicable)
- Any other relevant document(s) in connection with opening bank account
Completed account opening form with,
- Copy of RJSC Certified Memorandum, Articles of Association, RJSC Certified Certificate of Incorporation of the Company, Trust Deed
- Copy of Permission from the NGO Bureau / Ministry of Social Welfare (in case of NGO)
- Copy of valid Trade License, Utility bill (recently paid but not exceeding 2 months), e-TIN certificate & VAT Certificate (if applicable).
- Board Resolution / Extract of the Board Resolution (Original in Company’s letter head pad)
- Two Passport Size Photograph of the Account holder(s)/ Signatory(s)
- Copy of NID/Passport or any other photo identification of Signatories/ Directors.
- Proof of Submission of Tax Return (PSR) (where applicable)
- Any other relevant document(s) in connection with opening bank account